
September 12th - 15th


Big Sky Country

Glacier National Park

After the guys left, Jackson, Graham and I all caravanned down to Montana. Our first stop was Glacier National Park. Glacier is such a beautiful place. As we continued deeper in the park we passed beautiful lakes and mountains. We hiked up to Hidden Lake from Logan Pass. Then we took the Highline trail to get to the exposed ledge section. The trail was pretty sketchy at this point since it was covered in snow and ice. So of course we had to have a snowball fight up on the sketchy ledge!

The next day we headed back into the park for more exploring. We were driving down the Going-to-the-Sun Road, and Graham says “Whoa!” and picks up the atlas on his dash and we look at the cover photo and realize we were in almost the exact spot the photo was taken. We decided to come back later and try to recreate the photo with different lighting. After successfully recreating the shot, we headed down to a river. The color of the water looked so appealing that we had to jump in. This water felt even colder than the water in Alberta! We jumped in and quickly swam to a big rock that we were able to do a backflip off. After jumping off this rock we had to swim about 25 feet back to the other side to get out. The water was so cold that it instantly took my breath away! After drying off in the sun, and doing some more exploring we started heading down towards Bozeman, MT.

Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park


We found a pretty cool field to camp in on our way to Bozeman. We caught an amazing sunset that night, and woke up to see some deer grazing in the field. As soon as we got to Bozeman, I went to buy a harness. Up until that point, I had been borrowing one of Graham’s. It feels good to start accumulating more climbing gear, but I can already tell it can be a dangerous habit; climbing gear is not cheap. We talked with one of the guys at the climbing store and got some info on some fun climbs nearby. We decided to go for a fun and easy one so that Jackson could go on his first multi-pitch climb with us. We ended up searching and searching, and going up the wrong routes. Unfortunately we never found the correct route and had to head out. It looked like a fun climb, we just couldnt find the right approach. Next Stop, Yellowstone!

**Not all of the photos that I will be posting are my own. Graham and Jackson helped contributed to these photos.**

Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park Glacier National Park