
Travel Booking Application


JavaScript // Webpack // Mocha & Chai

Tripography is a solo project I worked on while I was enrolled in Turing School of Software & Design. The goal of this project was to create a trip planning application that supports both a customer and a travel agent login. Customers can request trips, and the travel agent can appove/deny or edit trip requests.

Learning goals for this project include:

  • Use OOP to drive the design of the application.
  • Working with an API to send and receive data.
  • Solidify code review process.
  • Create a robust test suite that thoroughly tests all functionality of a client-side application.

If you want to checkout the app in action, you can use these logins: Traveler - Username: traveler40 Agent - Username: agency Password: travel2020

responsive mockup
Tripography App

Popup Modal

One of the features I'm extra proud of is the trip request popup modal. I've struggled creating custom modals in the past. This one came together really well. It even looks decent on mobile!

Website Sketches Website Sketches
Tripography Request Trip Modal